Bequest Information

A beneficiary designation or a gift made from your Will or Personal Trust could be one of the most important charitable gifts you ever make – and one of the easiest. Anyone can make a meaningful charitable bequest. Gifts of any amount can have an impact far greater and more lasting than you might expect.

Gifts by Will or Trust

The designation of charitable gifts of cash, stocks, real estate, or other assets made through your Will or Trust allow you to support Neighbor Ride’s mission without affecting your current lifestyle; and, if your circumstances change, the bequests may be amended or removed at any time.

Beneficiary Designations

You may designate Neighbor Ride as a beneficiary or contingent beneficiary on your bank, retirement, brokerage, or investment account; life insurance policy; vehicle; or other property. By designating Neighbor Ride on these accounts, you ensure that funds are directly transferred to Neighbor Ride upon your passing. Because charities do not have to pay income tax, this means that the full amount of your retirement or other account will directly benefit Neighbor Ride and the older adults we serve.

Information Needed When Including Neighbor Ride in Your Legacy Giving Plans

Legal Name & Tax ID Number: Neighbor Ride, Inc. | 32-0123282

Address: 5570 Sterrett Place, Suite 102, Columbia, MD 21044

Contact Information: Bruce Fulton, Executive Director | 410-884-7433 |

Do you have a question, or have you already included Neighbor Ride in your Planned Giving? Our Executive Director will be glad to speak with you. The information you provide is strictly confidential and non-binding.