Our generous donors from our cancelled Bingo fundraiser would like us to raffle off the prizes to our volunteers. If you would like to be considered for any of the raffle prizes below please email volunteer@neighborride.org. Be sure to let us know which raffle prizes you are interested in.
OUR TWO-MINUTE ASK Do you belong to a Nextdoor, Faith Community, Neighborhood Association, Local Club, or Social Media Group? We would so appreciate your help in spreading the word about Neighbor Ride’s FREE RIDES for flu shots. Please take a couple of minutes to share the announcement below. Also on your next ride, remind your passenger about Neighbor Ride’s Free Rides to get their Flu shot. ANNOUNCEMENT for SHARING: FREE Rides for Flu Shots With the overlap between influenza and COVID-19 cases predicted for the coming flu season, Neighbor Ride has launched a “Get Your Flu Shot Early” Campaign – with FREE rides available for Howard County seniors (age 60+) who want to get their flu vaccination at local physicians’ offices, pharmacies, or community events. Visit www.neighborride.org/freeride/ or call (410) 884-7433 for more information or to schedule a ride.
Welcome New Delivery Drivers Since Covid- 19
Diana Callender
Welcome New Passenger Drivers Since Covid-19
Stephanie Bedoya
As Neighbor Ride expands its services to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable in our community during the pandemic, your support of our Annual Giving Campaign is more important than ever. Please consider giving online at neighborride.org or via check to: Neighbor Ride – 5570 Sterrett Place, Suite 102 – Columbia, MD 21044.
JUST IN – Neighbor Ride receives a “Rise to the Challenge Grant” from Howard County Government. Read the Press Release here to learn more and for pictures and video from the press conference. The funds will be used to expand Neighbor Ride’s delivery capabilities that you our volunteers have been so instrumental in creating during the pandemic.
THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS! for your patience during our portal email issues
Our Contact Information *{{Organization Name}}* *{{Organization Address}}* *{{Organization Phone}}* *{{Organization Website}}*