Please be on the look out over the next few weeks for communications regarding our new Ride Match Portal launch. We have been working for over a year to rebuild the portal on a Google platform so that enhancements and system maintenance & security are easier and less expensive to implement.
The functionality will remain the same so nothing new to learn beyond adapting to a modestly tweaked look and feel driven by the new underlying technologies. The only change for drivers will be that your login user name will change.
We will send out detailed instructions when we have an official launch date.
- If you are comfortable driving, always make a second call to the passenger the day of the ride. (The passenger may want to cancel.)
- If you are not comfortable driving, please call NR and we will contact the client.
- If your ride destination is a school, senior center, library, a government office, or government facility be sure to contact the facility to be sure it is open.
Neighbor Ride does NOT follow the Howard County School or Government cancellation policy.

Did you find yourself with a post-holidays stack of gift cards and collection of unopened wine and other liquors that you know you’ll never use? Consider donating them to Neighbor Ride so that we can incorporate them into our BINGO 2024 prize baskets! Simply drop the items by the Neighbor Ride office or reach out to arrange a pick-up.
A spreadsheet of volunteer miles can be generated from the driver Ride Match Portal following these steps:
- From the driver portal, click on Ride History
- Change the date range to 1/1/22-12/31/22
- Click on Export to Excel
Note: The mileage on the front page of the driver dashboard does not include total miles so use the total reflected at the bottom of the spreadsheet.

ATTENTION TARGET SHOPPERS! We’re participating in the Target Circle program! Cast your votes for NEIGHBOR RIDE and help direct Target’s giving to benefit the older adults we serve. Not a Circle member yet? Learn more about the perks, deals, and community support program at: .
November 17th marked the start of Neighbor Ride’s 20th year of service in Howard County. We are planning several events throughout the next year to celebrate this milestone with our riders, our volunteers, and our generous benefactors.
Please help us build upon this celebration by sharing a story of one of your most memorable Neighbor Ride experiences. We’d like to share these stories throughout the year.
You can send us a short narrative or video via email to Colleen at:
THANK YOU for helping us make our 20th Anniversary Year so special!

Rides Requests filled: 641
Rides Cancelled for No Driver: 11
Ride Completion percentage: 98.6%
Different Volunteers Providing a Ride: 165

In honor of our 20th Anniversary, we will designate the 20th of every month as Magnet Day. We ask all volunteers to display the magnets on their cars throughout the day. This simple thing is a very effective recruiting tool!!
THE NEXT MAGNET DAY is January 20th!
Karl Branting
Mary Johns
Kerry Frey
John & Cathy Keagle
Our heartfelt condolences to the families of:
Client – Arline Sherman
Client – Harriett De La Pena
Client – Clara Haynes
Retired Driver – George Walgrove

Give The Drummer Some (Friday, January 26th at 7:30 p.m.)
The big bands have had some great drummers who have brought attention to their instrument. For this concert we give CJB drummer Mike Morris the spotlight with tunes like Cute, the ever-popular Sing, Sing, Sing, and much more! (Wilde Lake Interfaith Center)
Yesterday, Today, And Tomorrow (Saturday, Feb. 3, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.)
When Serge Koussevitzky gave the US premiere of Prokofiev’s Fifth Symphony with the Boston Symphony, he was quoted in Time magazine when referring to the work by saying, “It is yesterday, it is today, it is tomorrow.” His words still ring true for this ebullient work whose infectious rhythms and extroverted flare continue to captivate audiences. The first half of the concert features two works that also embody the past, present, and future: Richard Strauss’s virtuosic horn concerto pushed the limits and abilities of what players could do on the instrument when it was premiered in 1883, and Carlos Simon’s Amen! draws on gospel tunes he heard growing up in church, but woven into a dynamic three movement work showcasing moments of contemplation and exultation. (Jim Rouse Theatre)
Musical Menagerie: A Thrilling Concert Experience for All Ages
(Saturday, Feb. 17, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. & 1:00 p.m.)
You don’t want to miss this enchanting concert celebrating the wonders of the orchestra and the magic of music. Perfect for music lovers of all ages. The Orchestra, under the direction of our guest conductor, Vicki Gau, along with our friends from Dance Connections and, ever popular narrator, Greg Jukes, will take us to the Carnival of the Animals for an experience of swan swims, royal marches, dinosaur bones. The audience will raise the roof by singing some popular songs from Moana and, in the Thrill of the Orchestra meet instruments from the strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion sections. Share this fun adventure with your whole family! (Jim Rouse Theatre).
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