February 2020 Transporter

As a Neighbor Ride volunteer you already play an important role in making Howard County “Age Friendly.”  Please consider providing the county your input through the survey linked below. Howard County’s Age-Friendly Initiative wants your input – take our survey...

December 2019 Transporter

15th Anniversary Celebration  on November 17 was a great success!  Many elected leaders attended as well as many friends of Neighbor Ride. Left to Right: Calvin Ball, County Executive; Richard Watson, NR Board of Directors President; Bruce Fulton, NR...

November 2019 Transporter

Happy 15th Anniversary Neighbor Ride! You are invited to attend our celebration AND take the new Volunteer Challenge!   Obituaries Neighbor Ride extends sincere sympathy to the families of passengers Roslyn Hamill, Arthur Marks and Betty Greve. Thank...

August 2018 Transporter

Wednesday, August 29th 11:00 am – 9:00 pm The Mall in Columbia Mention Neighbor Ride at the register and 25% of your total meal purchase will be donated. For a printable flyer, click here. Welcome Marcia Brown Please welcome our newest Ride Coordinator, Marcia Brown!...

January 2020 Transporter

Happy New Year! Neighbor Ride Expands Services in 2020 Community Connector – Accessible Transportation In partnership with Winter Growth and through the generosity of The Hamel Foundation, we are excited to introduce the Community Connector, a pilot project dedicated...

October 2019 Transporter

Take your pick and celebrate Neighbor Ride turning 15! We hope you can join us. Thank You To Dilip Parikh, Todd Riebel and Karen Trudel for representing Neighbor Ride at the Dancel YMCA Event on September 27. Obituaries Neighbor Ride extends sincere sympathy to the...